Chat 101, the basics (and more) of chat......
Welcome to the world of "Chat", which has its own set of manners ("chatiquette") and language. Chat 101 contains the
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basics of chat, from the translation of chatspeak (moof, scrolling),
- abbreviations & acronyms (lol, brb), and
- emoticons,
- to the etiquette that will help "newbies" get comfortable in this new world, be a welcome guest in the chatrooms, and, most
importantly, get you more involved with the fun! Learn what NOT to do in chat.
- There's even a section on MSN chat -
including the special graphics (emoticons) used in their chats!
- You finally get to pick your own name. Here's some thoughts on choosing your nickname
- Ready for more? Try the 2nd semester for
information on cybersex, text formatting, and other information.
- Yes, it's true. MSN has gone full circle and is returning to a subscription service. I
think they're still the best around, but there are other free places to chat.
- You may not get through everything in one visit. To easily return here again, RIGHT click on the page and either "Add to
Favorites (Internet Explorer) / "Bookmark" (Netscape) OR "Create Shortcut" which puts a shortcut to this page on your computer desktop.
Note from ker95/marilyn
: It's getting expensive to maintain this free information site (in its ninth year). I don't use annoying pop-up
ads or litter the site with 10 zillion ads, and I'll never charge anyone for access to Chat101 as long as the site is here. BUT - I need your help to offset some of the cash outlay so that Chat101 will be here for future users.
I've selected just two affiliate programs where I'm personally familiar with their
products/services. So.... you'll see promos for these two in the site (that's it). Please try one (or both)
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Fight back at junk e-mail!
It is with regret that I've removed (at least temporarily) the guestbook from this site.
Every state, plus Puerto Rico & the District of Columbia, in the US has been represented, and well as almost 100 other countries. It truly is a small world. Unfortunately the spammers have been filling the guestbook with garbage even more than normal lately. I have taken great pleasure in the messages left, and thank everyone who visited (other than the spammers) sincerely.