Chat 101, The Place To Start! Chat Terminology
(Chat Speak)

"Chat" has a language all its own...

There are words that have been newly developed for this unique environment, abbreviations and acronyms to save time typing, and emoticons to clarify the tone of the text.

Once you start chatting regularly, all of the terms, etc. that are included in this section will come naturally, especially if YOU start using them  (and watch out, some of them will sneak into non-chat correspondence <s>).

If somebody uses a term or symbol you don't know... just ask them what it means. We were all "newbies" once.

Follow these links to help get familiar with this new language.

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    Abbreviations and Acronyms
  • Emoticons (symbols that are used to portray emotions or clarify the "tone of voice" used). You may need to look at many of these sideways
  • MSN Emoticons - the graphic symbols and smileys you'll see used in msn chat (and many of the smileys you'll see elsewhere too). Now included in the MSN Chat section :-)
  • Specialized terminology used in chat
  • GameSpeak - some of the additional abbreviations and phrases used in game chat rooms (in the 2nd Semester section)

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