About Me :-)
Chat 101, The Place To Start!

Who IS this person anyway? <G>

I'm Marilyn, a 50ish year old woman who got "on-line" when Windows 95 was introduced.  I tried out MSN (Microsoft Network), AOL (America On Line), Compuserve, Prodigy, IRC and various other services/chatsites, and ended up feeling the most comfortable on MSN.

I spent several years hosting in TheLobby on MSN, which is a volunteer position (and proves my craziness beyond a doubt).  It gave me the opportunity to help "newbies", and encourage others to discover what fun chatting can be.  You'll often find me on MSN using one of my regular nicknames - "borderline" (a description of my personality, according to my friends <G>), "ker95", or a third one... that i'll just keep to myself.

I've worked in the specialty insurance business for over 20 years (further proving my insanity), and am also involved in the development of the SW Host service offering professional website design as well as website hosting for individuals and businesses at an extremely competitive cost..  BTW (by the way), I had no formal training on this computer stuff; but I didn't  hesitate to try new things or ask my techi friends for help. 

I was addicted to chat at one time, but managed to get it under control. I think chat is fun (where else can you meet new people while wearing pj's and sitting in your own house?). I have made some life-long friends from around the world, meeting a number of them IRL (in real life). Even ended up marrying a wonderful man I met in a chatroom, but that's another story......

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