"Chat" speak....
"Chat" is a unique world, and developed new terminology and applied chat-specific meanings to familiar words. If
other chatters use terms you aren't familiar with, just ask them what they mean!
= becoming disconnected from the Internet and/or the chat for no apparent reason. If you have call waiting enabled on your telephone line, you'll moof alot!
Private messages (PM), also referred to as "IMs" (Instant Messages" in AOL), and "whispers" (Microsoft Network <msn>). These are communications between two or more members that can't be viewed by the rest of the chatters. Warning, however: the private message can be cut and pasted to others.
Nick = nickname used while chatting
= a piece of sound
(words, music, etc) that can be played in some chats.
They are stored in ".wav" format, and can only be heard if you have the same wave on your computer. Watch out - waves take up a lot of hard drive space on your computer (usually in your windows/media folder).
Ghost or Lurker = a member in a chatroom who never talks. A ghost can be someone who forgot they were signed into the chatroom, or may be there & just observing.
Newbie = someone new to chat
spec, or ban are actions taken by the host of the room (the person in charge). You can be kicked
(temporarily removed) from a chatroom, specced
(lose the ability to type in the room, terminology derived from the "spectacles" your nickname may show, or that you have "spectator" privileges only), or banned,
which is a more permanent action that keeps you out of a chatroom completely.
Inappropriate behavior, topics, or language are the most common causes of these actions.
UIN = User Identification Number. This is the number assigned as your "identity" by the software program ICQ
"Go Private" means to go into a chatroom for two people only. It does NOT necessarily mean to "cyber" (also known as cybersex.. which is to..ummm..talk
naughty).. it can be a way for people to talk confidentially or without the distractions of a larger chatroom. |
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