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E-Mail Replies
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Replying to E-mail

Sending Replies: 
In a business, you should at least acknowledge receipt of an e-mail to assure the sender that it has been received.  Check your e-mail regularly.

If an e-mail was sent out to multiple recipients, you have the option to ‘reply to all’ or ‘reply to sender’. Use the ‘reply to all’ option only if everyone needs to see your e-mail.

Do NOT automatically reply to e-mails that are sent out as an acknowledgment of a membership, purchase or sign-up, newsletters or spam.  Most of these e-mails are generated by a special program, and do not use an e-mail address that accepts replies. These e-mails will often contain a different e-mail address to use to unsubscribe or take other action.  If the e-mail is true spam, it may be better to simply delete the mail rather than reply to it in any way.

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