At the very top of your web browser, on the far right corner, are three small buttons.
The Minimize button moves the entire browser window to your taskbar - the bar that runs across the bottom of your computer screen. If you look at your taskbar now,
you’ll see a small button for every program that is running. One of those buttons will begin with a or a symbol. Those buttons indicate the browser window(s)
you have open.
If you use the minimize key, you can return the browser window to the screen by clicking on the button on the task bar.
The middle button changes the way it looks depending on the size of your browser window.
When the browser window covers your entire screen, the button appears as a set of small windows. This is the Restore button, and is used to change the size of your browser window.
When the button appears as a single window, it is the Maximize button. The browser
window may be resized when the button appears as a single window. If you click
on the Maximize button, the browser window will enlarge to cover the entire monitor screen.
The last button is the Close button . This button will close the browser window. |